Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Band Knife Fights and the Council of Elrond

Let's start with the first partial one. It's all a bit blurry in my mind, so really I can only recall a few images and several phrases. I was sitting hidden in a forest amongst many other older looking people. We were assembled as the 'Council of Elrond,' except that Elrond was not there since he is not real. The issue in question was the destiny of the Wild Beasts in Florida. The 'wild beasts' took a form similar to that of a mountain lion. Then a great cloud of confusion falls and I wake up.

Next up: Band Knife Fights. I remember this one more clearly, but it would be a bit too long to describe in full detail. It started in a restaurant with my family (not my real family). We'll skip most of the details on that because they were just bizarre. As we were leaving the restaurant, we caught a glimpse of a crime scene (I had been keeping up with these stories in the news). There were knife fights breaking out here and there. A famous lady and her family had been targeted. As we passed by her house, she was being dragged inside. She seemed frozen like stone, and she had horrible black hairs growing all over her. Clearly, she had just been the victim of another knife fight. As we became more aware of the violence that had broken out in the city, I asked my father (though he looked nothing like my real father) to take us out of the city. We got in the car to leave, but I noticed in a nearby alley someone, who looked suspicious, following us. He followed us out towards the water where we passed a large group of children that were just there. I was afraid something would happen to them, but it seemed that our followers (who grew in number as we fled) was interested only in us. We crossed the long bridge to the 'outer lands.' We took the pier down as far as the tree house. Somewhere in this scene my family completely vanished, and I, alone, was being followed. I was freaking out, afraid that I would have to fight. When my followers got to the top, I realized they were people I knew....from my band. They were unhappy that I had left the band and were ready to attack me for it, but my some means I willed them into a group therapy session at the top of this tree house. They put their weapons down and we talked like civilized people. The threatened feeling I had before was gone, and then I woke up again.

1 comment:

  1. One thing I would like to clarify. Whenever I am afraid in my dreams, there is like a defense mechanism in my brain that turns on and takes control over my imagination. So the happy ending with the group therapy session was one of those instances when I was afraid and something in my brain clicked on which started controlling my dream so I wouldn't freak out. It's a hard phenomena to explain, but I thought I should mention it since I know this happens quite a bit.
