Sunday, July 19, 2009

Attack of the Killer Wasps and Hornet

Last nights was pretty terrible. It started out ok, and then quickly deteriorated. I was still working for Aunt Sue in the future. I was assigned to help a client in the area of fashion design (no offense Justin, but she didn't think you would be up to it). I have no idea what that has to do with homeschooling, but that's what I did. So I was doing a little shopping online when Uncle Pete and the kids came over to hang out. It was at this point that I started seeing the wasps and hornets. Naturally, I freaked being afraid of bees and all. So I asked Uncle Pete if they could still sting me if I wore five layers of clothing. He said, "maybe not. but if they do sting you, you'll die." I asked if they were perhaps perhaps passive bees and slow to anger, but he said they were not. Just stepping near one would possibly set it off after you. If you looked out across the ground, there were bees every two feet. There was almost no surface that you could walk and not possibly anger one of them. So, before I woke up from this disaster of a dream, I was running top speed from fifty wasps and hornets in five layers of clothing in the middle of summer in Virginia. The worst part of this one, is that its not that hard to imagine and doesn't seem terribly impossible.
Hopefully, I'll get some good ones this week to share.

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