Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Moll in None-of-this-makes-senseland

I was trying to get to the shower stalls on the corner wall street. The owls were there guarding the doors and generally being a menace. I had to fight my way to get through. Inside the shower stalls were the little vendors, and I mean little, like Hobbits or Dwarfs. They were selling Valentine's products along with other unknown items. I was there on an errand for my mom. She wanted me to get a Wedding present for my sister who having her second wedding (like second breakfast). See in this world you may only marry when you have graduated college. Once you have committed to marrying someone, you must have a ceremony for each individual. If you graduate in the same year, you may combine the two services into one, but if you graduate in different years, you would have two ceremonies. One ceremony for each year of the graduating member. Anyway, it was Kate's second wedding. I felt a bit like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland because I was on a ridiculous errand for a ridiculous event, and I had to rush to get there on time. I got hung up by some friends at a fast food place....literally hung up. They hung me on the coat rack on the wall which was like ten feet high. Anyway, the whole thing was a disaster, but I did just barely make it in time to see the second wedding.

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